
Date #7 - It's All Downhill

Long before we became a hockey family, we were downhill skiers. We skied when we were dating, and we continued skiing after we were married and had our son B. We had our own equipment (back when skis had safety straps, LOL). But once hockey took over our lives, skiing took a back seat. I can only remember a handful of times that TH and I skied together after son J was born. TH owned several businesses and he had very few days off, so usually my friend MC and I took our four boys skiing, but that decreased as the older boys approached their teens.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had a bucket list long before they were popular. However, mine was called a "Fast Forward to 50" list....but unfortunately I wasn't able to check all 50 items off the list between my 40th and 50th birthdays, so thus it has now morphed into a bucket list.

One item on my wish list was to SKI IN COLORADO. It had always been a dream, and I was able to check that off in November 2000 when our son J was playing hockey for BU in Denver. MC and her husband JC joined us on the trip, and we stayed an extra day so we could ski. Well... MC and I skied... while TH and JC went to the casino. However, as wonderful as that experience was, it was also incredibly painful. I think it had been at least 12 years since I had last skied and I was SO out of shape, my knees were throbbing. But I had never skied on such beautiful fluffy powder and I'm still so grateful for the opportunity.

One of the other items on that original bucket list was SNOWBOARDING. How difficult would it have been to check that off the list? But somehow, I never got near a mountain again in the next ten years after Colorado. When son J moved to California, he took up the sport, and on many of my visits he offered to teach me but (really?) when I go to Southern California the last thing I want to look at is... snow.

The crazy thing is that we live 20 minutes away from a ski area, The Blue Hills. True to its name, it really is just a big hill on the outskirts of the city, and what better place to learn to snowboard? So last year I was determined to learn before the winter was over, but I waited for a warm day. On March 17th, which is a school holiday in Boston (Evacuation Day), I dragged out my skiwear and drove to the Blue Hills... only to discover that the ski area had closed for the season two days before. HaHa.

Oh well...as long suffering Boston sports fans, we know "there's always next year!"

Now this winter, as we were starting to plan our 35 dates, imagine my shock when TH suggested we go skiing together. Really?

This is a man who hates the cold, he's passed his 60th birthday, he hates being out in the cold, he's had a heart attack, he hates being cold, and it's been more than 20 years since he last skied.

It just so happens that on the same day TH recommended this date, in my email was a great discount deal from BuyWithMe.com for the Blue Hills Ski Area. I didn't hesitate, lest TH changed his mind. For $35 each, I purchased vouchers for lift tickets, equipment rentals, and lessons. And they could be redeemed for skiing or.... (wait for it) snowboarding. 


When I suggested to TH that we both try snowboarding, he emphatically said NO.

Bummer. Will it still count as a date if TH is skiing and I'm snowboarding? If we are in two separate classes? If we are on different parts of the hill? We agreed that it would count because, after our respective lessons, we would meet up and spend the rest of the date together.

Well last weekend the weather was perfect. After back-to-back-to-back blizzards, and temperatures in the single digits, the Sunday forecast called for bright sunshine and temps above the freezing mark. The ski area was only open until 5, so we arrived at 9:15 in time for the 10 am lesson.

However, the parking lot was completely filled. The annoying thing was that there were two attendants at the entrance that let all the cars drive in and snake their way through to the exit, where THAT attendant told us it was race day. When we asked where we could park, he just shrugged and told us we were on our own. We tried two more lots, but they were both filled and the attendants warned us against parking on the road, where they towed.

Strike Two for snowboarding at the Blue Hills. So home we went, pissed off, with no other plans for the day. I'm not sure why we didn't drive to the next closest ski area an hour away.

By 11:30, however, I was restless and still in my ski layers. I called the ski area to find out when the races ended, and if the parking situation had improved. I was told to come on down because the races would end at noon, and most skiers had purchased morning lift tickets only that expired at 1. So back we went.

When we reached the counter to redeem our vouchers, the teenage girl asked if we were skiing or snowboarding. One of each, I told her, just as TH interrupted and said, "No, we're both snowboarding."
Wow, really? When I looked at TH curiously, he just shrugged and said, "Why not?" And he was even so brave as to not request a helmet.

First stop, boot rental. Once again I had brought three pair of socks and tried not to think about the persons who wore those boots before me. But, LOL, when they gave us the boots, it was a little embarrassing to admit to the cute teenage boys that we had no idea how to lace them up or tighten them.

Next stop, board rental. The first thing the old guy asked was, "Are you regular?...or goofy?" Of course, TH chimed right in and answered, "Oh, I'm definitely goofy!" Normally I would agree with that statement, but turns out we were both regular (that means you lead down the hill with your left foot at the top of the board).

On to the lesson. They gave us our own instructor... probably because we were the oldest in the snowboard group and would have definitely slowed down all the 20-somethings who were waiting to learn. Of course our teacher, Matt, was only in high school himself. But he was very patient with us and loved the idea that he was part of our 35 dates.

He taught us how to put our boards on, and ride to the top of the Bunny Hill....on a conveyor belt... right next to the magic carpet ride that the little kiddies rode to the Munchkin slope. Ha Ha.

With Matt's help, we made it down the hill several times before the hour lesson was over. And then we were on our own. Once we were up on the board we were fine, but the struggle was getting up on the board.

For those of you who have never tried snowboarding...you ride the lift with just one boot strapped on. When you get to the top, you have to sit on your ass, strap your other foot in, and then attempt to stand up (with nothing to hold onto) without toppling over. I spent many hours studying the young snowboarders around us and it amazed me how effortlessly they were able to move from their butts into a standing position in one effortless motion. But we just couldn't do it. So TH and I had to help each other up every time.

Once we were on our way down the hill, it was awesome. The sun was shining, there was no wind, it was a great day to be on the slopes. I WAS FINALLY SNOWBOARDING! I could have stayed out there for hours. Unfortunately, TH's calves were cramping so he called it quits after several runs. But, being the great guy that he is, he hiked back up the hill with me and stayed up there to help me get up on the board every time.

About an hour (and a few face plants) later, I also had to concede because my butt was sore. (Who would have thought I didn't have enough padding there? LOL) Also killing me was the fleshy part of my palms, just beneath my thumbs...what is that part of the hand called? Whatever they are, they took the brunt of my falls that day.

This was my favorite date so far. It was one of those rare occasions where you laugh all day and fall in love all over again. No bickering. A perfect day.

And our date wasn't over. After we returned our equipment and dragged our tired old bodies back to the car, we went out to dinner. Nothing like outdoor activity to stimulate your appetite.

TH's birthday was the week before, and he had a complimentary coupon for a free entree at Isabella's in Dedham. Since we were in the neighborhood, we decided to cash it in. Two of the servers there also work in the school department, and one of them, D, was working that evening so she took good care of us. TH had meatloaf, and I had a wonderful salad with grilled shrimp, preceded by an absolutely delicious butternut squash soup. Ah...did I mention this was my favorite date.

We skipped dessert because the champagne and wine had made us pretty mellow, and we were stifling yawns by the time the check arrived. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

When I spoke to son J the next day, I told him how much we'd loved snowboarding, but explained the difficulty I had getting on the board (I even tried it at home and still couldn't get to a standing position from sitting on the floor...it was impossible). That's when he told me that, at the top of the mountains, they have benches to sit on and fasten your boards. He had NEVER sat on his butt in the snow to strap on. Are you kidding me?!?! Thanks for the tip, Matt. It was still fun....but next time I'm taking the lift to the top.

This will be our last date until March. Our grandbaby M arrives this week and we plan to spend every waking moment with him, when we're not working. Then I will fly back to California with them for the last week of the month...so, unless TH takes separate dates while I'm away, the tally will remain at seven for now.

And if anyone has any great date ideas....we're open to any/all suggestions.

But don't go too far away. Check back often because I have more tales to tell (about bickering and blue shirts). Stay tuned.

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