
Date #23 - Gluttons 'R Us

So it appears we have entered the EATING zone of this Eat, Play, Love tour we're on. For this date we had planned to attend a trade show, followed by drinks and dinner. We only made it through the first portion...

Three hours of all the desserts we could eat...Yum! 

Editorial aside: Anytime I write the word 'dessert' I always think of the crazy spelling rules and songs I learned in grammar school that have stayed with me and served me well for half a century. I can't remember which nun taught me that the way to remember the difference between desert and dessert was that "they put an extra S in dessert because you always want a second serving,"  but I've never spelled it incorrectly since!

Now back to our date.

Let me start by saying that desserts do not call my name. Rarely, if ever, will I order dessert at a restaurant. Growing up, we never had dessert unless it was somebody's birthday. And while raising our own sons, dessert was never more than homemade chocolate chip cookies. Mind you, there were always boxes of Twinkies or Hostess Cupcakes atop the refrigerator, but those were primarily for TH as the boys did not have a sweet tooth. Even today, while I pack my breakfast and lunch to take to work everyday....this is what TH packs......

Yup, that is the sum total of what he takes to work every day. A plastic bag with exactly three Oreo and three Chips Ahoy cookies. Nothing more. And he even packs it the night before so he won't forget!!

So this date was right up his alley. While desserts do not call to me... they yell TH's name out loud. That said, I have been known to heed the whisper of anything with ice cream, nuts or whipped cream, so I didn't frown when he suggested this date. Thanks to discount vouchers we were able to get into this show at the Sheraton Boston for $15 each, and it's safe to say we got our money's worth and then some.

From the moment we walked in, it was difficult to choose a starting point. Everything looked and smelled lovely.

This blue cake was on the Konditor Meister table. And while they didn't give out samples from the wedding cake, they did give out the most decadent cups filled with chocolate fudge...it was sinful.

These babies were filled to the rim with nothing but chocolate, and you could have all you wanted.
I don't remember how many we ate, but I assure you it was way too many!

And speaking of sinful, this dessert stopped me in my tracks and reminded me why most of the civilized world hates America....

behold...the world's largest cannoli.

It was made by Golden Cannoli, was 12 feet long, and weighed over 300 pounds. Was this really necessary?! Really?!  Do you have any idea how many needy people could be fed on what it cost to make this dessert? And for what?...it certainly wasn't anything worth raving about. And once it was displayed like that in the open air for a weekend I'm sure it was no longer edible.

To assuage their guilt, I'm sure, this company had a table where they served two-inch cannoli's for a suggested donation of $1 each that they promised to donate to charity. Proof positive that even they realized how excessive their claim to fame was.

That's why I don't understand the showcase competitions that are so popular nowadays; where top pastry chefs get together and create these massive displays that are beautiful but completely non-edible when through. Now I love art as much as the next person, but let's create art that will live on in posterity...and not use food that could be feeding millions instead of landing in the dumpster the next day.

And who created fondant? It may be beautiful to look at, but completely tasteless. Give me plain old whipped cream or butter cream frosting any day!

And speaking of whipped cream....not a trace of it in the entire place. And ice cream? There were actually two vendors there with tables, but I am not even going to give them a plug because they don't deserve it. While every other vendor was giving away cupcake size portions of their product, the two ice cream vendors gave out the teeniest, tiniest samples. I wish I thought to take a picture, but I was so enraged. When I tell you that they had the nerve to hand me a thimble-size serving on the end of a plastic spoon, I am not exaggerating! It wasn't even worth getting back in line for.

But that doesn't mean that we went hungry. On the contrary, we ate enough to feed a small third world nation...heck, it felt like we consumed a third world nation.

There was plenty of cake from Finale

and giant whoopie pies from the Whoopie Monster

But the biggest line in the place was here....

Hint was giving away 12 oz bottles of fruit flavored water, that was soooo refreshing after all that sugar and butter, we went back for seconds and thirds. Needless to say, they were one of the few booths that ran out of supply before the afternoon was over.

We did not even stay the allotted three hours. We were like wild animals that have no idea when they are full and just continue to eat. and eat. and eat. Finally, we both looked at each other and decided this was not fun anymore. Even TH surrendered. Who's idea was this for a date? Forget the dinner and drinks that were to follow.

We gave away our wristbands at the door to two unsuspecting souls, and then we waddled on over to the bus for the long bloated ride home. I think our next date needs to be someplace we have never been together....the GYM!!!

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