
Date #11 - Who invited Rita?

I interrupt this post about Date #11 for a very important update about the Blue Velour Shirts:

So here I am thinking that TH read this blog, or somebody tattled, and that he had retired the shirts forever...or at the very least for this winter. TH had not worn either shirt at all since I'd returned from the west coast at the end of February.

Winter turned into spring and the shirts stayed in hibernation. I was so shocked that I even questioned TH as to whether he had read this blog or had learned of it's contents...but he swore he had no idea. This was the first March in 15 years that the Blue Shirts did not leave the closet...not once...Farewell, Bon Voyage, Good Riddance and Halleluiah.

Until this week...

when the blue velour came out of retirement. Four days into the month of April.

Are you kidding me? But wait, it gets far worse. TH also wore blue velour on April 5th and April 6th.....three days in a row!

I was so relieved when I arrived from work today and TH was wearing something other than blue velour. But the shirts are probably biding their time in the hamper waiting for a chance to make another appearance. I wish I knew how to put a counter on this blog...because I'm going to start counting the days until they resurface again.

Any bets? Will they reappear again this spring or will they stay out of view until the fall? I'll keep you posted.

Now back to our date.....

Car Talk, The Musical.

TH and I don't have similar tastes when it comes to most things...but we both love Car Talk. My Dad was an auto mechanic, but none of his knowledge filtered down to me. And TH is not mechanically inclined either. We don't set an alarm or go out of our way to listen to it, but if it's Saturday and we're in the car, you can bet NPR is on the radio and we're laughing out loud at Ray & Tom Magliozzi. I've even taken my car to their garage in Cambridge, just around the corner from our son's home.

I recently received an alumni mailing from Suffolk University that advertised this musical to be performed by students at the university's new stage at the Modern Theatre. Now as much as I love musicals, I usually go with my best friend, M, because TH has been known to sleep through the few that he and I have attended together. I'd never heard of this musical, but when I mentioned that the show was inspired by Car Talk, TH expressed immediate interest.

So off we went. It's so exciting being on the lower end of Washington Street in the evenings now, with the Paramount, The Opera House, and the Modern Theatre lined up in a row with their brightly lit signs. Who would ever have believed that Suffolk would have its own modern theatre someday? Unfortunately, I'm embarrased to admit, I never contributed one penny to any development fund that might have made this possible. But I will try to be a patron for future theatrical events.

There was general seating for this show and, when we arrived, the front three rows were unoccupied. The seats in the 2nd and 3rd rows all had Reserved Parking signs on them...but the front row was wide open so that's where we planted ourselves. In retrospect, maybe not such a good idea (more on that later).

The show was great. It was a cute love story that lasted just over an hour, with no intermission. While there was some original music....most of the songs were hilarious parodies of well known and beloved show tunes from just about every hit Broadway musical. Click n' Clack never made an appearance, but their recorded voices boomed from the role of the Wizard offstage. The students did a fantastic job, and I do hope they get the opportunity to perform the show beyond the six scheduled productions. It was a lot of fun.

And why weren't our front row seats not the best seats in the house? For two reasons. The first being that we were directly over the four-piece orchestra, and their music quite often drowned out the song lyrics.

The second reason...

ummm.....someone started to nod off in front of the performers.

and No it was not TH ...it was your truly. Me!

Oh the mortification. I never really dozed, but it was a struggle to keep my eyes open as I did my best to not imitate a bobble-head doll.

Full disclosure. Before the show we went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant with our son's family, B-L-C. And I washed down my salad with an extra large margarita. LOL. I was sauced after just one drink!! I just cannot drink tequila...and I actually tried to order my drink with champagne instead of tequila because I knew it was dangerous, but Jose Cuervo (or one of his relatives) got the best of me.

When we first sat down at the theatre, I sent my son this picture of the stage and bragged about our front row seats. It wasn't until the next morning I realized he responded with a text to tell me that the picture was blurry and remind me that I was drunk.

My sincerest apologies to all the talented performers who might have witnessed the old lady with the nods in the front row. The show was great, and you were not responsible for putting me to sleep...it was that damn waiter that messed up my drink order!

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