We started the date at a Thai restaurant in Newton and then, after a quick change into play clothes (we were coming from a wake), we walked next door to:
The logo above is from their website
below is my blurry photo of their front entrance.
This is hands-down one of the best ideas I've heard for a date. It was so much fun!
And inexpensive too:
Price list: $35-class/supplies; $5-beer/wine; $1-snacks/water
You really can't get much cheaper than that...but we actually did.
Thanks to Groupon vouchers, we paid only $17 each for the class.
The basic concept is that you sit in a storefront/studio with a blank canvas, five brushes, and a cardboard palette of acrylics, and you paint along to very simple instructions from artist Jackie (a talented young girl in her 20s who plays very cool music) while her Mom, Jill, tends bar. And after a few drinks, a lot of laughs, and some minor spills...you actually create a work of art that you can take home.
Normally, the entire class paints the same picture. However, we signed up for a 'Couples Nite' where two different paintings were available: Boston Skyline by Day, and Boston Skyline by Nite.
This was the only class of its kind on their calendar, but I guarantee they'll be adding more because it was a packed house. And you probably can't tell from the photo below but, other than the bartender and TH and me, there wasn't another person in the room who was born before we were married LOL.
Since it was a crowded room with not much space to maneuver, Jackie did warn us in advance to be very careful not to confuse our wine cups with the plastic water cups provided for rinsing our brushes. We all laughed, but despite the warning I came quite close several times!
Commercial interruption: I almost forgot to mention that the bar served not only beer and wine, but Prosecco. Yes! It was a little more expensive ($9) but I was psyched because NEVER EVER do I find my drug of choice when only beer/wine are being served, and I'd already resigned myself to drinking only water all nite. (Serendipitous change of plans).
Now back to our date: We started by painting our sky and then our water. I was working on a daytime scene and TH was painting the night. Here we are just underway......
Jackie was a great instructor, taught us how to use each brush, and had us moving along at a great pace. I'm not sure if it was the great music, or the adult beverages, but the place quieted down considerably as the evening went on. Jackie attributed it to the presence of men in the room. Apparently, this is a popular venue for Girls' Nite Out....and she commented that there is a lot more laughing and chattering when the girlfriends are together.
and here are our finished products.....
as you can see by our workspace...we weren't the neatest painters. Good thing we wore our play clothes! They do provide smocks, but they don't cover a whole lot.
Below are close-ups of our paintings...and what they were SUPPOSED to look like.
here's my final product
and this is theirs

and what he was trying to replicate!
All in all....I don't think we did a bad job. We haven't found an appropriate place to hang them in our home yet (they are currently propped on our kitchen counter) but most likely the attic or basement will be their final resting place and our sons can throw them in the trash fight over them when we're gone.
Jackie and Jill took pictures of the class to post on their facebook site, but we chose not to be included cause we are old and just don't "get" social networking or trust letting others post our photos in cyberspace. But if you want to see our younger classmates, You can check them out here. This really was a fun date and we highly recommend it, no matter how old you are.
The morning after this date I attended a funeral for the mother/grandmother of dear friends of ours. It was a lovely send-off, but I've concluded there is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing an old man cry in mourning. (Who can ever forget Prince Ranier at Grace's funeral?) S and his bride R had been married more than 63 years and, as we left the grave-site, he sadly told me they had really hoped for and were trying to reach their 65th anniversary. (Oh man...pass the kleenex.)
I can't even imagine 63 years together, let alone hope for 65!
35 years has seemed like an eternity (Yes we're already combing grey hair together) and while it's scary to contemplate that we might still have another 30 years together, it's even scarier to think that we might not!
Which brings me to another couple that was in the news this past week for ending a 25 year marriage. I am not even going to mention his name because it disgusts me that another powerful man could not keep it in his pants. If Maria had some shortcomings that caused this man to stray, he could have terminated walked away from the marriage instead of humiliating his wife and children and then deceiving them for almost 15 years. Instead, this woman who gave up her high profile position to support his political career will forever more (no matter how much good she continues to do in the world) be known as the woman who's husband fathered a child with their housekeeper in the same week their own son was born. I guarantee, just like Elizabeth Edwards, it will be the lead paragraph in her obituary. How sad!