
He Wore Blue Velvet

I'm still in sunny Santa Monica, and TH is back in cold snowy Boston, so we haven't been on any recent dates. But there is something I desperately need to get off my chest. (or more accurately....off of TH's chest).

In 1996, our family spent the Christmas Holiday break in Alberta, Canada. I have many fond memories from that trip that I will remember and treasure always:
  • Our son J was playing for Team USA in the World Under-17 Hockey Championships;
  • Our son B was on break from Tulane and joined us on the trip;
  • We met the O family from Amherst, NY who instantly become dear friends - both sons later lived with us at separate times while in high school prior to successful collegiate and pro hockey careers;
  • I saw the northern lights for the first time;
  • and the Rocky Mountains;
  • I visited the most beautiful place I have ever seen on this earth - Lake Louise, Banff, in winter;
There were, however, some memories from that trip that I'd just as soon forget:
  • I shopped at the world's largest mall in Edmonton, and didn't buy one thing;
  • It was so cold that we had to plug in our rental car every night so the engine block wouldn't freeze;
  • The hockey team did not do so well;
  • and....(drum roll) TH wore Blue Velvet
Okay, I'm lying. It wasn't blue velvet. It was actually blue velour. Navy blue velour shirts. Two different ones. And I actually bought them for him.

In 1996, we didn't yet have internet access and the world was a much larger place than it is today. When we heard that our son would be playing in Alberta, Canada...we instantly pictured Siberia. There was no weather channel dot com where we could look up the ten day forecast. At best we had a few almanacs from the library, some AAA travel guides, and word of mouth from a few hockey coaches who had traveled there before us. Two words stood out....bitter and cold.

And we didn't have the wardrobe to withstand those temperatures. So I went shopping and purchased skiwear, hats, long johns, mittens, polar fleece, corduroy, scarfs, shearling, wool...

...and two navy blue velour shirts for TH. I was walking through Filene's (boy do I ever miss that store), saw the shirts and thought they would be a warm addition to TH's wardrobe. He loved them, and wore them repeatedly on the trip.

And when we returned home.

And for the rest of that winter.

And the following year, as soon as the temperature dipped slightly in the fall, there they were....his favorite shirts.

And the year after, from early autumn through late spring, TH wore his blue velour.

And every single year since. FOR FIFTEEN WINTERS.

If you have ever seen TH at any time from October through April, I guarantee you have seen him in one or both of these blue velour shirts.

oh....and he doesn't wear them just once or twice per season....he wears each one at least once, if not twice, PER WEEK!! 

On our last date, when we went out to eat after snowboarding, we had a long discussion about these shirts...because of course he was wearing one at the time. I begged him to please retire the shirts. TH recently had a birthday and we bought him some great casual attire, so it's not like he doesn't have anything else to wear.

But, No, he won't retire them, he tells me. He loves them. They are warm, and they are still in great shape. All the more reason, I cajole, to donate them to a homeless shelter where they will be appreciated. But TH won't let me donate them. Or throw them away (my first choice).

I try to hide them in the bottom of the clothes hamper, and if I'm doing the laundry I will purposely omit them from the wash. But TH is very good about sharing the laundry duties, and as soon as he runs low on T-shirts, or underwear, or blue velour shirts....he will be down the basement washing clothes.

So, dear reader, I ask you....what's a wife to do?

We haven't survived 35 years of marriage without compromise. And at this stage of the game, I've learned to pick my battles...and this definitely isn't one worth fighting over.

But come on now....seriously? 15 years of blue velour?!

And I'll guarantee he's worn them repeatedly the entire week I've been away.

I think I finally understand the closing lyrics when Bobby Vinton sang, "And I still can see blue velvet, through my tears!"

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