
Date #29 - When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie...

While researching ideas for dates, we've learned of so many things we never knew existed in our wonderful city. And so many of them are free. One fun fact we discovered is that the Museum of Science on Friday nites, and Boston University on Wednesday nites, open their observatories to the public, weather permitting.

One night in November, we were leaving Cambridge and driving across the river when we couldn't help but notice a beautiful full moon with one bright star to its right. It happened to be a Wednesday evening, the sky was crystal clear, and Boston University was directly in front of us....so why not? Nothing like an impromptu date nite!

A college campus is a cool place to hang on a weeknight. There is just so much vibrant energy around young minds at work and play. And, surprisingly for a school night, there were also quite a few families with young children at the observatory. But who could miss the chance to see such a beautiful moon up close? As it turns out, that bright object we thought was a star...it was actually Jupiter.

And what this graphic doesn't show is that, with the powerful telescopes on the roof at BU, Jupiter's moons were clearly visible as well that evening. It was awesome!

Here's a photo taken with my cheap phone....where you can't see Jupiter or its moons, but our moon was still a sight to behold.

Thanks to the endless spring we have enjoyed this autumn, it was a beautiful nite to be up on that roof, looking up at the moon and down at the city. The views over the river were spectacular...I wish I had pictures that would do them justice. Here's the Hyatt Regency across the river.

"When the stars make you drool, just like a pasta fazool.....that's amore!"

Here's the late, great, Dean Martin sharing our sentiments for what turned out to be a very romantic date.

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