
Date #30 - Don't Rub Me the Wrong Way

For date #30, we went to have TH fitted for a casket. He's decided he wants to go out face down.

Just kidding, of course. I don't believe we'll be needing coffins anytime soon.
Or ever....since we plan to be cremated.

For date #30 we went not to the funeral parlor but to a massage parlour for a Couple's Massage.
Once again, we were cashing in a discount voucher before it expired. However, this non-descript place in the basement of an office building in Quincy would never be mistaken for a spa at the Four Season. It was reassuring to know we hadn't paid full price.

In the tiny waiting area, we were greeted by our masseuse and masseur who informed us they were preparing the room and would call us in shortly. When they walked away, TH looked at me and said, "Please don't tell me that I'm getting massaged by a man." Of course not, I assured him..."he's doing me."

Hmmm....I never saw TH change his mind so fast!!!

Once in the room, they left us alone to undress and climb on the tables. TH was still so squeemish about a man giving him a massage, that he left his boxer shorts on and completely buried himself under the sheets. LOL

But wait a minute....something's missing from this picture. 
Oh that's right, I'm taking the picture. But where's my table?

Now this is how we envisioned a couple's massage.

Or, if we couldn't be head-to-head, then side-by-side would do

But our couple's massage was way less romantic than it sounds. And the reason I don't have any similar photos of the two of us together is because....


Our tables were in two separate rooms, with the pocket doors between the rooms left wide open. We were about 8-10 feet apart...you could have parallel-parked an SUV between us. The only thing we shared during this massage was the same music system that was propped on a chair between the two rooms.

There were no flowers, no candles, no champagne, no chocolates, no ocean views, and no interaction of any kind. Most of the time we couldn't even see each other because our heads were face-down or the therapists were standing between us.

The only redeeming value of this date was that the hour-long massages were indeed fabulous. They were so relaxing that we each admitted to dozing off briefly not unlike many of our more recent romantic encounters.

We were briefly left alone again after the massages to dress, but with the therapists waiting just outside the door (for their tips) there was no opportunity or desire to get frisky.

Date over!

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